South African Variant in W7
3rd February 2021
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Our centre at St Mellitus will remain OPEN to those with referral codes.
Please DO NOT attend if you feel unwell, or have been told to shield or self-isolate.
The testing that is taking place in parts of the postcode area W7 and W13 is to help trace how far the new variant has spread in our neighbourhood.
Ealing Council are operating asymptomatic testing sites across the borough, which is aimed at adults who are delivering essential face-to-face work; click here for information from Ealing Council on the South African variant and how to book tests
All Foodbank volunteers are recommended to take regular LFT and not to come in if they have symptoms or a positive test. We all wear face coverings to keep you safe, and respectfully ask that you do the same.
Wear a face cover, sanitise or wash your hands regularly and keep at least 2m apart from others when in our premises.